Author name: Carol Tomany


Put On Your Dancing Socks

Originally published February 9, 2006 When I asked the question in an earlier post whether a work of art bore the “genetic” imprint of the artist, I thought of Robyn Gallimore of Red Bird Knits. Robyn is a sock knitter and a phenomenal sock designer. She has a sock of the month club and so […]


The Disarming Venus Vest

Originally published February 8, 2006 Venus is the goddess of Love. Her other name is Aphrodite – may have something to do with aphrodisiac – not sure? I mentioned in my last post that Dorothy Siemens of Fiddlesticks Knitting has just finished a gorgeous garment called the Venus Vest- the graphs are being checked at


Born Somewhere Between Bloor and Wellesley

Originally published February 6, 2006 My husband came home last night to say that a child had been born on the subway some where between Bloor and Wellesley. Now I have always considered one’s lot in life to be primarily an “accident of birth”. I know for many parents, birth is not an accident. It


La Follie De Laine

When I started out in the knitting business or this business of knitting, there was a small mail order yarn store in Quebec called La Folie de Laine. I once asked the owner what the name of her business was in English – not a great question since we should be a totally bilingual country


Me Old China…..

Originally published January 30, 2006 For those not born within the sound of the bells of St. Mary – le – Bow, the complete phrase is: “Me old china plate – me mate.” It’s a Cockney phrase. When you refer to someone as “Your old china..” you are actually calling them your mate or friend


Signs of Spring

Originally published January 24, 2006 We are starting to see the signs of Spring. 1. In January the raccoons come out of hibernation. Some believe they never really go into hibernation, but the naturalists who write their columns, swear that there is a month or so when they are not knocking over our garbage cans,


To A Poet On His Birthday

Originally published January 22, 2006 January 25 is Robbie Burns (1759-1793) Day. It will be the 247 celebration of his birthday! This is the day we serve Haggis – or a more palatable substitute (read sausage and mash with neeps – turnip.) We read: To A Mouse, To A Louse (has nothing to do with


On Skiiing and Sleeping in the Snow

Originally published January 20 2006 My daughter went camping last weekend. It was the 20th of a somewhat mild January but still the forcast was for -5 degrees C. She slept outside – under canvas with snow in the forecast. There are other ways to wait for Spring, then knitting. One could, simply, wear the


Knitting and the Force in Winter

Originally published January 16, 2006 There are things that those who live in the North do to make believe that Spring is just a snow drift away. We plant Spring flowers – indoors, of course. We plant paperwhites in January. We marvel at the speed at which their roots appear and their green shoots sprout.

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