Author name: Carol Tomany


Food For The Knitted Soul

Originally posted March 3, 2006 One of the amazing things about the human spirit is its ability to “bounce back” and make the best of things. I might have been “a little down” March 1; but I’m up and back at it to-day! March after-all is the Month of Madness and I am determined to […]


Of Omens and Ominous Knitting

Originally posted March 1, 2006 To night at about 6:30pm, as I was bringing my youngest home from an after school class, I looked into the sky. I often wonder if these seemingly vague glances at the heavens are really a lot like casually looking at one’s watch – just a quick check or re-aligned


Let the Fur and Feathers Fly

Originally posted February 28, 2006 I am always amazed at how inter-related people, events – well life in general – really is. I was looking at renting new space for Infiknit and I met a Real Estate agent which Marsha White of The Needle Arts Book Shop had recommended. At the end of our meeting,


Once More into the Breech

Originally posted February 24, 2006 Just as Salvador Dali can be a study in opposites, so too can the work of Debbie New – not the person – just the work. We have on the one hand teacups that melt and on the other a knitted vest as rigid as cement. At left is the


The Chambered Nautilus

Originally posted February 22, 2006 Thank you, Knitti-me for your request to see something done in Opal the colour that I suggested most resembled a seashell for the Venus Vest pattern. Kaleidoscope Wrap is knit in Opal. The soft peach tones melt into beiges and creams with hints of pink and blue. The dyer has


Psst…Wanna buy a watch?

Originally published February 21, 2006 Well, OK, so it needs a little work. Do you really need to know the time? Maybe we all could use a little break from “Time” now and again. Read on…. Playing around in my mind was the comment that I had quoted about Debbie New being the “Salvador Dali”


Amaryllis and the Lost Shepherdess

Originally published February 18, 2006 In checking my spelling of Amaryllis, I discovered that it is also the name of the shepherdess in a love poem by Virgil. How appropriate! This is the intricate layering of Art and Nature, yarn and knitting. I also found another pattern that made me think of being wrapped in


An Opening of Amaryllis

Originally published February 16, 2006 Amaryllis always make me think of the work of Georgia O’Keeffe. That wonderful American artist who paints pictures of flowers – amazing flowers – flowers so big you could crawl inside them, like Thumbellina. The image of actually living inside a flower is so surreal, maybe even sublime. Just think.


Valentine’s Day and the Romance Shawl

Originally published February 14, 2006 To-day is Valentine’s Day or St. Valentine’s Day as it used to be called before St. Valentine was stricken from the roster of saints by the Catholic Church for seemingly not having created any miracles. I don’t know about that. He used to be reverred for his letters, mainly on


A Flowering of Forsythia

Originally published February 11, 2006 There are more signs of Spring in evidence even though our mild January has turned into a pretty frosty February -10c with wind chill factors. Don’t put those needles down yet. There’s plenty of time to wear out a mitten or two. Still Orion is in the Southern (oh, how

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