Thank You Mrs. Brown

Originally published October 27, 2010

It’s a grey somewhat rainy day, today.  There was nothing very magical in the paper, this morning and nothing really exciting on the internet either. It’s one of those days that you have to work at keeping “up”.  OK, time to start with the check list:

1. Not sick – this is good; because, if you have been sick and get better, a day like today seems like a gift!

2. Lamb tonight for dinner. I like lamb. Most knitters like lamb – with or without clothes – on the lamb that is.

3. Sales are good. I’m always happy when knitters are buying yarn and patterns from stores because then the stores are buying yarn and patterns from me and I can pay the rent and buy more lamb for dinner.

4. Baseball is still on TV so my husband has something to watch and I can sit in the “knitting” chair – the one with the good light.  When the baseball season is over – we bargain for “the chair.”

5. My son dyed up a whole batch of Zephyr today and it looks GREAT!

Well, I’m starting to feel better already – but there is still something missing…yes, I could sit down to finish that lace shawl with 800 stitches in the final rows – only about 5 more rows to go and then I’d be done!

Nice, but I needed a “hit.”  I started to think back to the places I’d been; books I’d read; events I’ve attended…just looking back to previous “highs.” Then something drifted in…a museum…hmmmm…I like museums and galleries. A quick google search revealed, nothing at the Museum for Textiles that was knitting related or a must see.

What’s happening at the Victoria and Albert? Many years ago when I lived in London, I’d steal away to the V & A whenever I could. Voila!!! that was it!!!  Here is the link!

It’s a knitting fairyland. Yes, there is the usual very lovely samples of vintage knitting and accessories; but there is also a place to:

1. Post your own knitted samples.
2. Share your own learning to knit stories.
3. Help yourself to free patterns and vintage patterns
4. Find patterns for children
5. Link into knitting blogs and podcasts
6. Discover lots and lots of links

Just what I needed to end the day.  I’m going to tuck into my Victoria and Albert motherlode and have a great evening.

Well, I’m having lamb tonight; but if I weren’t, Thursday would be “empty out the fridge night”, so Bubble and Squeak might work.  I just take everything in the fridge that’s been cooked. Grind it up in the Cuisinart. Spray a frying pan with Pam. (I use the old cast iron pans.) Press the mixture into the pan. Heat it through. Cover it with cheese. Put in under the broiler, and serve with anything in the fridge that hasn’t been cooked – you will have to use a little culinary judgement here – but it usually tastes OK and dessert is the V & A. What’s not to lose. Enjoy.

Oh the title – maybe a little obscure unless, you have seen the film “Mrs. Brown”. It stars Judy Dench and Billy Connelly and is based on a time in the life of Queen Victoria – right after her husband’s death. If you haven’t seen it, do. If you liked “the Queen”, I think you’ll like Mrs. Brown – watch it here and you’ll love the V & A.

Have a great evening

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