Take an Author to Lunch

Originally posted November 10, 2010

My friend JB told me about a new program at the library.  Apparently it started in Denmark about 10 years ago and has spread. Participating libraries arrange for you to take out an author, for an hour or so, on your library card! Well it’s one way, albeit a very time consuming way, of reaching the public and reminding them that writers, designers, artists, creators are flesh and blood people.

The music industry is holding more concerts; there are more signings, more pop up events, more trunk shows, etc. In fact, much more leg work is involved, in promoting any creative work, these days.

I really don’t know anything about this particular library program and I couldn’t find anything on-line, so any help would be greatly appreciated!!

The “sign out an author” idea really intrigues me, although I can’t imagine what I would say to Margaret Atwood. I do, however, remember contacting Sasha Kagan about using one of her designs for a coffee cup warmer and she was most gracious and said that it was all right to use a leaf design from a book of hers that I had. I must revisit that and see if I ever did take the time to do a coffee cup cover. OK, I didn’t exactly talk to Sasha personally, much less take her out for coffee, it was sadly all e-mail.

I know that yarn stores have celebrated knitters in to teach.  There are knitting retreats, and more casual drop in nights and afternoons; but, I am wondering if there are even smaller, shorter opportunities to engage knitters, that may, long term, result in more traffic to your shop, site or blog.  Could you find an opportunity to film a brief interview with a famous designer and have it available on your site or in your shop? It might be something as simple as modelling their latest design or raving about a new yarn etc…. Always trying to stay a step ahead…or maybe it’s more like running to catch up!

Sagittarius is coming along, although I did have a moment when I thought that I was going to have to rip it back a motif, because I was thinking that I should perhaps reverse the position of the pinwheels in alternating rows. Anyway I consulted a friendly Sagittarius and she agreed that I should keep the existing format.  I will likely do some alternating in the border which I am still thinking about.

Dinner to-night? Well Margaret Atwood is a big supporter of birds and the Pelee Island and Pelee Point bird sanctuaries among others, so nothing with wings. How about something with pork – pigs have not, as far as I know, learned to fly yet.  Here’s a very easy stir fry.

Have a great evening.  Carol

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