
Lil’s Not Your Aunt

Originally published November 1, 2010 I was about to write..”OK, you can claim my great aunt Lil as your aunt too, because Taurus, the shawl with the 800 stitch ruffle, did not get finished this weekend.”  Well, I amazed myself. I finished casting off this morning. (I still count finishing off something, from the night […]


Lovliest of Trees

Originally posted October 31, 2010 Piglet said, in the Disney version of Winnie the Pooh anyway, maybe even in the real version, “I don’t mind the leaves that are leaving; it’s the leaves that are coming….” He was raking on a rather blustery day. Today is a blustery day and my garden is full of


The Times They Are A-Changing

Originally published October 30, 2010 I have just spent the last few days mining the V & A’s (Victorian and Albert Museum) knitting section. (see link in “Mrs. Brown” post)  It is AMAZING!! I took this quotation from some text describing a knitted pin cushion (in silk, no less). How many of us have knitted,


Hallowe’en, Horoscopes and other Happenings

Originally published October 29, 2010 I read my horoscope these days. I don’t live by it; but I find its little ironies interesting. There have been times in my life when I refused to read newspapers, let alone their horoscopes…there was just too much bad news. Yes, the bad news is still there, maybe I’ve


Thank You Mrs. Brown

Originally published October 27, 2010 It’s a grey somewhat rainy day, today.  There was nothing very magical in the paper, this morning and nothing really exciting on the internet either. It’s one of those days that you have to work at keeping “up”.  OK, time to start with the check list: 1. Not sick – this is good;


Of Websites, Web-spiders and Other Creepy Crawlies

Originally published October 27, 2010 I always think that Fall (or Spring) are good times to clean out the cobwebs, re-structure, re-think, pull out the map – make sure that we are going in the right direction and so on……  I joined the visa entrepreneurial group on Facebook and came across some really interesting information.


Feed Your Inner Bookie

Originally published October 27 2010 Paul, the octopus, has died. You remember Paul. He predicted the winner of 8 world cup matches in the last world cup series in South Africa. OK, he was based in Germany – or should I say “tanked” in Germany. Caretakers would put a flag from each of the opposing teams


It Ain’t Over ‘Till It’s Over

Originally posted October 26, 2010 ….And it’s not over yet for Hazel McCallion. I just had to write this up today – the morning after a rather amazing election in Toronto & surrounding areas.  I am not from Mississauga and I don’t necessarily like Hazel McCallion’s politics – but I love her stamina.  The very idea


Celebrity Knitting

Originally posted October 24, 2010 It bugged me that I had to leave a blank in my last post on upgrading your “About Us” page by adding someone famous who visits your store. No one came immediately to mind. So I went looking for famous knitters. There are a lot of articles out there on


Small Changes Big Results

Originally posted October 21, 2010 I was testing the link to INC magazine on my Infiknit blog today – just had to check that Horoscope forecast – when I noticed in INC’s right hand side bar a link to some interesting articles – One in particular really stood out “How to Design A Great ‘About Us’ Page