Author name: Carol Tomany


Send Me The Pillow You Dream On…

Originally posted August 10, 2006 More on organic cotton and beaches. The picture is from Fiona Ellis’ new book “Inspired Cable Knits” (with permission from the publisher…….) When Fiona first started to work on her book she asked me – and others – for yarn suggestions. I was thrilled to be able to give her […]


Carolina Dreaming

Originally posted August 1, 2006 In just over a week’s time, I’ll be travelling with my husband and 2 of my 3 children to the beach, actually to Hilton Head at the southernmost tip of SC. I can’t wait. Certainly it’s the idea of a holiday, of being with family, uninterrupted by work, of eating


Opus Difficilis

Originally posted July 17, 2006 I was reading in the weekend paper about several children’s books that had been translated into Latin. Now I knew that Winnie the Pooh and I believe Peter Rabbit had both been translated into Latin – well these are classics and what better venue than a classical language! But “Walter


To The Big Apple Without Our Mackintoshes

Originally post July 12, 2006 Yes, we decided to ignore the weather forecast last week that called for more rain along the eastern seaboard of the US – that is, more rain in addition to the rain that had caused considerable flooding in various NE states, including NY, and head to the “Big Apple” with


Best of the Show

Originally posted June 22, 2006 I think that I may have finally recovered from TNNA, as the orders we took there are now being shipped, our show booth has arrived home and the follow up orders, from stores who met us but needed to think about ordering, have started to flow. Also, I have to



Originally posted June 16, 2006 Well it’s the end of a week that began June 9 and it is now June 16 – where has the time gone!!!! 1- I know that I spent two days of it travelling to and from Indianapolis and either putting up or taking down our show booth at TNNA.


We’re Off To Indianapolis in the Morning

Originally posted June 7, 2006 Yes, I’m leaving very early Friday morning – the limo comes at 4:45 a.m. – alas what one does for the love of knitting! Now I know that I have some explaining to do. I haven’t posted in almost a month and why am I going to Indianapolis… are my


I’m Back, Briefly

Originally posted May 12, 2006 Sorry, I’ve been a little behind in my posts. Just some big orders to fill, learning the ins and outs of new machinery, putting the finishing touches on the new website and getting ready for TNNA. Did I mention that the house is filthy and the kids have been eating


Cockroaches – What’s Not To Love

Originally posted April 24, 2006 I had just finished posting about the crocheted coral reef when “The Women’s Post” – it’s a free local newspaper- arrived with an article about The Museum for Textiles here in Toronto. It seems that the museum is hosting the work of Wisconsin-based artist Jennifer Angus who has displayed her


Save the World with a Crochet Hook

Originally posted April 24, 2006 I came across an article in the newspaper on the weekend about an institute in California – The Institute for Figuring, which is doing, among many things, a crocheted coral reef. It is a project that is both mathematical and environmental. The project is being co-ordinated to call attention to

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