What Toque You So Long?

Originally posted November 20, 2010

I always love it when knitting becomes some big time in your face “thing”. I love knitting “bombs” and I love it when advertisers use knitting in their pitches.  Years ago Campbell’s soup had billboards with knitted cans of soup and knitted radiators shown graphically in yarns of their iconic red and white colours.  The billboards were arresting!

There was a similar campaign out last year in Quebec where they dressed bus shelters in large “knitted” toques to promote MILK as a natural comfort food to get you through those long Quebec winters. Here is the article.  It’s more on the demise of advertising or more the morphing of advertising into something more in tune with the times – read Facebook et al.


I am always thinking of ways to “get knitting out there”. Certainly Knit in Public days are fabulous. Stitch and Pitch events are great too. Knitters are getting together in coffee shops to chat and knit and entertain the curious. Ravelry has helped with groups of bus and subway knitters.  I still think that there could be more, though.

1. Mitten trees in town halls around Christmas.
2. Knit for the Cure events during Breast Cancer Month or even just the general Cancer month.
3. Maybe you could persuade your local bank to link a savings account promotion and a display of knitted scarves from your company – all under the slogan – “protect yourself against a rainy day.”
4. How about a reciprocal promotion with a local coffee shop.  You knit some coffee cup warmers for their display and you display their products in your shop. Or they/you do a contest for the cleverest knitted coffee cup holder. I know that coffee cup holders don’t sell a lot of yarn; but they are catchy.
5. Libraries always like to have some display materials.  Lucy Neatby posted to my Facebook that she was working on a new sock pattern and was listening to a book by Ken Follett at the same time. This could be a library focus.

Just trying to come up with ideas to make your sales AMAZING!!

Dinner tonight. We’ve had a lot of soup and mushrooms lately – these do go with milk though. But maybe a quiche or a quiche with out the pastry just done in a lined pan and baked could be easier and quicker. The link gives a lot of recipes for Quiche. Take your pick!

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