Author name: Carol Tomany


Irish Danish

Originally posted March 18, 2007 …or at least the green natroje. I finished my second sweater from Knitting in the Old Way by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts on St. Patrick’s Day so I am going to call it Irish Diamonds. Sorry I didn’t post it right away. I spent most of the day reading articles about all […]


Irish Diamonds

Originally posted March 4, 2007 Well I have started the second sweater from Knitting in the Old Way by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. I decided on using 3 strands of Fiddlesticks Knitting lace weight Zephyr which gave me a gauge of 24 sts over 4″. Just a bit finer than DK; but I wanted a lighter sweater.


Gussets With Gusto

Originally posted February 11, 2007 have finished the first of many projects, I hope, from Knitting in the Old Way by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. As I said, this knitting journey is to be a learning experience so let me tell you what I have learned. 1. Tah-dah- Gussets!! I never thought that I would be so


January Survival Kit

Originally posted January 28, 2007 Well it’s January 28 and I’m into survival mode – I need to get through the next 6-8 weeks of winter. I know, I complained about the warm weather in January and now I’m going to complain about the cold -20C. But I have survived this month so far because


Skippy to the Finish Line

Originally posted December 29, 2006 I have finally finished “Skippy” – so named because he’s the colour of peanut butter and a “jumper” – a basic pullover. I ‘ll not bore you with the number of times I knit the end of the sleeves – from mid-forearm down – too short, too tight, too short


Here We Go A-Reavelling..

Originally posted December 20 2006 …among the sleeves with care….or something like that. If sleep does indeed knit up that ravelled sleeve of care, would we sleep better the more sleeves we ravelled, err knit? I say this because I have been knitting and ripping out the same sleeve for the 3rd maybe 4th time.


Oh Solstice, My Solstice

Originally posted December 21, 2006 I had to write to-day because, my favourite day of the year – December 21 is at hand. It is the day set aside to mark the winter solstice- the day that the sun stops going south and turns around to head north again. I know the Earth really tilts


A Diamond For St. Andrew

Originally posted November 30, 2006 Many apologies for the delay in posting. I have been dealing with FAMILY and I am sure that everyone can relate in their own way to the tremendous responsibility that family, be it biological or otherwise, involves. We, who do not choose to be islands, know that in order to


We Are So Misunderstood

Originally posted November 12, 2006 I was doing a crossword puzzle the other night – I know I should have been knitting – just taking a break from a sweater I had started in a nice wool and alpaca mix from Grand River Yarn. I have recovered from my steeking mishap. Well, the clue was


To Steek Or Not To Steek

Originally posted November 5, 2006 I have just wasted another Sunday morning on It’s a great site if you like lots of semi- intellectual, semi-literary banter. It also has some of the most amazing T-Shirts that I have ever read! Slogans like: The Pavlov T-shirt with the line – “that name rings a bell.”

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