Originally posted December 20 2006
…among the sleeves with care….or something like that.

If sleep does indeed knit up that ravelled sleeve of care, would we sleep better the more sleeves we ravelled, err knit? I say this because I have been knitting and ripping out the same sleeve for the 3rd maybe 4th time. First it was too big. Then I didn’t like the way I had tried to merge the diamond pattern in the decreases – I didn’t like it twice. So now I am knitting a plain sleeve and hoping that I don’t have to unravel it again.
Still I can’t say that I mind the ripping back. It slows the progress of the sweater; but I have so many anyway and the longer it takes, the more money I save in buying yarn for the next project. Plus I get to listen to Christmas music. This is that time of year when magical people come to life again. Like Bing Crosby. I always have a vision of him as the priest in The Bells of St Mary’s which I believe has a ravelling or unravelling scene in it. Can any one help me out there?
Then there’ s Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians. Here again I have a vision of my grandparents around the radio in the living room – I was very small- maybe an infant. The announcer would say “The sweetest music this side of heaven” and I would ask “What side of heaven?” – OK I wasn’t an infant – but I was fascinated by the concept of a many-sided heaven.
There are others all worth a mention who have contributed to the season with music – John Lennon, Nat King Cole, Burl Ives, Abba – still alive, but the group’s gone. Please add your favourites…
Anyway must get back to the sweater, which I have decided is the colour of peanut butter and just as sticky – c’mon sleeve!! The stockings are a favourite from AnnNorling #1018.
Holiday Cheers