Author name: Carol Tomany


Spinrite or Spunwrong?

Originally posted October 28, 2006 Here is the story of the other dust bunny that crossed my path last week. I came home Friday night to my Oct. 23 – Nov 5/06 issue of Canadian Business and lo and behold there was an article about Spinrite under the heading “Spun Wrong”. Now anyone who has […]


Big Business – What Do They Know?

Originally posted October 28, 2006 I’ve said before, – I love it when “things”, interesting “things” happen in clusters, criss crossing, like – well I would like to say lightening bolts, but really my life isn’t that exciting – how about dust bunnies – in an otherwise ordinary day….well week. On Wednesday I took my


Endangered Species

Originally posted October 21, 2006 I never thought that I would feel badly about the demise of a plastic ornament, most specifically a pink plastic flamingo. But there he (or she) was on the front page of the business section of Saturday’s paper looking a little forlorn under the heading “endangered species” and I thought


Lock Down…?

Originally posted October 12, 2006 The times, they have changed. “Lock out,” I understand. It’s a union “thing” or an anti-union “thing” – I was once a teacher and I paid dues to a union – I believe in community support. Even now that I am self employed – I know that it is my


Dressing For Art

Originally posted October 8, 2006 It is a week after Nuit Blanche and all the reviews are in. It was a huge success ! In spite of the rain, almost half a million people came out to visit Art installations both in doors and out doors – all through the night. Well done Toronto!! I


Nuit Blanche

Originally posted October 1, 2006 Nuit Blanche – white night – or in our case – wet night (it rained) was an all night “art thing” presented by the City of Toronto with major funding from Scotiabank. Nuit Blanche is staged annually in several European cities – most notably Paris as a way of having


Knitted Neurons

Originally posted September 25, 2006 I saw a knitted brain the other day in the newspaper – this is not a joke. It’s from the Museum of Scientifically Accurate Fabric Brain Art – I don’t think that this title is a joke either – it was in the newspaper – now some people will say


Back From The Beach and Other Realities

Originally posted September 17, 2006 It must have seemed like a long swim – about 3 weeks or so. Actually it was a short holiday that was over too soon. By the time I arrived, decompressed, took up the leisurely pace of “holiday mode” – the vacation was over. It drove me crazy that my


A Little Travelling Music, Please

Originally posted August 27, 2006 ……. Something to feed the gypsy soul. There were a few things that had to be done very early Friday morning before we set off for the first leg of our trip to Hilton Head. Yes, we were driving. It’s an 18 hour haul which we spread over 2 days,


maggie and millie and mollie and may

Originally posted August 16, 2006 “maggie and millie and molly and may” maggie and millie and molly and maywent down to the beach (to play one day) and maggie discovered a shell that sangso sweetly she couldn’t remember her troubles, and millie befriended a stranded starwho’s rays five languid fingers were; and molly was chased

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