Originally posted August 27, 2006
……. Something to feed the gypsy soul. There were a few things that had to be done very early Friday morning before we set off for the first leg of our trip to Hilton Head. Yes, we were driving. It’s an 18 hour haul which we spread over 2 days, stopping for the night in Beckley, West Virginia – 10 hours from TO. I guess that there aren’t that many people these days that take long driving holidays, when it’s relatively cheap, quick and easy to take a plane – not with 4 people; but 1 or 2, yes. Still there is something about journeying through every mile, however tedious, that makes you feel that you have really earned the destination. There is also something about “hitting the open road”, that gives one a sense of freedom – no stripping to the waist, no marshalling through metal detecting arbours, no idling for hours in soulless airport lounges – just hit the gas and go!
But we do need music – traveling music. Selecting the right CDs for the journey was one of the Friday morning tasks – I still buy CDs. I deal with copyright daily and I like to think that I contribute to Art and culture by supporting the artists that enrich my life. I would hate to think that, because we are now able to enjoy without contributing, emerging artists – will never thrive – our entertainment will be limited to a few with influence, and we will lose the diversity, the endless choice that has made our lives so rich.

As a result, I took all my Paul Simon CDs – I just have 3; but I do have his latest – “Surprise”. I took Bob Dylan – for the phrase “like a rolling stone” and I took K.D. Lang in case I got homesick.
There is something about pulsing down the highway to traveling music, that feeds the Gypsy soul!
Now when I wasn’t driving, I was working on this: I will call it something like “Savannah Shawl” or “Squares of Savannah Shawl” – for everyone who has read “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” and has crocheted a square – you’ll understand. When I left TO, I had the small centre section started. We are now in Hilton Head – I guess I could have done this much on a plane, but I wouldn’t have felt as much like a Gypsy and the design might have lacked something! Oh, well – must get to the beach!

PS when I get back I am going to re-work the design – not quite right yet.