Originally posted November 17, 2010
November 16 was Button Day, so I am told. I am not sure whose idea this was. Most days of real significance have their origins in historical or cultural occurrences. Somehow, to have a day for buttons seems a little frivolous. A quick Google search led to this blog and their offerings:

- Button Collecting and Display Day – collect and display clothing buttons
- Button Up Day- ‘cuz it’s cold outside!
- Pushing Your Buttons Day – you’re kidding me, aren’t you!?
- Belly Button Day – now, here’s one that could be real fun
- Belly Button Fuzz Day – it’s amazing what you find in there.
- Wear Buttons Day – skip the political buttons. My favorite is a Smiley button.
I also found a site that claims to be the Zany Holiday site. OK, I know that November can be a bit of a drag, often dreary and gray – Remembrance Day, mostly under the sign of Scorpio, waiting for winter, not much to celebrate – but “Buttons.”

Now, I have some nice knitted and crocheted buttons in patterns from Infiknit. These might warm me up to the idea of a Button Day and then I could dig out an old “Kiss Me I’m Irish” button – that’s always fun.
Maybe if everyone knew about this and everyone created a very special button to wear, we could really get something going here. I need some help, though – got any ideas for button slogans for knitters, crocheters, spinners, or dyers. I always liked “Dye Happy”.
Dinner? How about something really simple, maybe, mushrooms (button mushrooms) on toast with a few strips of bacon and some sliced tomatoes. You could melt some cheese over it and maybe fry up some zucchini with the mushrooms or whatever you’ve got in the fridge. Button Day, indeed. Enjoy!