Originally published November 18, 2010
I saw this slogan printed in very large letters on the side of a truck the other day. It sounds like one of the great euphemisms of life. But that company certainly has brought a lot of life to, well, fungi! Now, if you thought knitting companies had difficulty finding a marketable name, given the sedentary nature of knitting, try being a mushroommonger!

At least knitting stores get to use names like Passionknit or Mad About Ewe – Porcini with Passion or Crazy Crimini just don’t make it. Now there is a company in Ontario called Fun Guy Farm (Fun Guy = fungi) and I know of people who collect mushrooms as a hobby – some of them even have a sense of humour, such as, the friend who first introduced herself by saying, “Hi, I’m Gabriel, like the angel, no relation, though.” I fell over – she was hilarious; she also collected mushrooms.
At Infiknit, the colour Mushroom in our Fantastic Knitting Zephyr lace weight yarn is a really popular colour. It is one of those shades that screams – well maybe it’s whispers – understated elegance. It’s a very tasteful shade – no pun intended. I chose it for Woodland Solace. I think that you could also use this pattern as a tablecloth – just make it wider and leave off the ruffle. (that’s ruffle not truffle)
I know that I don’t have any patterns for knitted mushrooms. Though, I haven’t checked the Jean Greenhowe books that I have. She has some knitted food (great way to diet); but I don’t think there are any mushrooms in the mix.
Mushrooms are probably best, just eaten. Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms is a Weight Watchers classic. This may not be their recipe – but it’s not too heavy on the calories. If you’re not dieting, just make them with a chop or chicken breast.